In December 2005, a film crew from PBS shot footage from trumpeter Chris Botti’s two star-studded shows at the Wilshire Theater in Los Angeles for an upcoming one-hour television special. The special will air the weekend of March 3 on PBS stations nationwide.
In addition, those who want to watch the show over and over again will be able to purchase a DVD that will be available at the same time that PBS will be promoting during a pledge drive. It will feature an extended drum solo by Botti bandmember Billy Kilson that will not be shown on the PBS special. The still-untitled DVD will be Botti’s second – in 2002 he released one called Chris Botti & Friends: Night Sessions.
At the Los Angeles shows Botti performed songs from his new album of duets called To Love Again. Joining Chris on stage were Sting, Burt Bacharach, Paula Cole, Renee Olstead, Paul Buchanan and Gladys Knight, to name a few. Gil Goldstein is the orchestra conductor.
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